Friday, November 6, 2020

Tuakana Teina Time

Each Friday we have our Tuakana Teina time (big buddies and little buddies). Turama space is hosting the cooperative games area and here are some photos from today's session. This is a great time for our older students to show care and leadership for our younger students, and fantastic for building across-school relationships.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Music Showcase 2020

Thank you to all the children who performed in tonight's Showcase - it was a great night and awesome entertainment! A huge thank you and well done to Odie and Cushla for their amazing teaching throughout the year! Here are some pics featuring Turama children:

Dance, Drama and Music

Turama has been doing a Performing Arts rotation: music, drama and dance. All students participated in three lessons of each. What a creative bunch of students we have! They blew us away with their abilities to cooperate as a team and come up with some very creative dances, body percussion and drama performances. 

SPCA Fundraiser

These fantastic girls organised a very successful fundraiser for the SPCA for our whole school. They found sponsorship, bought prizes, marketed their day around the school, collected donations and ran a costume day and parade. WOW! We were so impressed with their leadership - what a team! We are super proud of you Saffie, Ruby, Phoebe and Emilia.