Friday, September 11, 2020

Last day of swimming lessons

Today we finished our tenth day of swimming and water safety lessons at the Richmond Aquatic Centre. It has been fantastic watching our students make progress with their water skills and confidence! The instructors have been amazing, so skilled at what they do and very caring and encouraging.

Above is a photo of our Year 4 and 5s.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Swimming at the Aquatic Centre

This week we have been to Richmond every day for swimming lessons. Our instructors are awesome and we are all improving our swimming skills, water safety and fitness. We have one more week to go.

Wacky Day

We had a group of girls organise an awesome WACKY DAY for the whole school on Tuesday 25th August which was lots of fun for everyone! Well done and thank you to: 

Lucy T, Jess, Evie, Monique, Lexi and Rose.